Rain, Rain Go Away

Necklace | Top | Rings | Belt | Skinny Jeans | Sandals
Has anyone else felt completely tricked by the weather lately? Sigh. I should be used to it, right? Springtime in Utah is just plain fickle. Although I love layering (and I love sweaters), it’s about time to put away the coats and closed-toe shoes. I was browsing online last night and came across these stellar sandals from Vince Camuto. Judging from the designer, they’re bound to be comfy and last quite a few seasons. I was surprised by how well they coordinated with the belt I had in my Gap shopping cart! Love. And those rings? The perfect addition to a freshly manicured hand. Here’s hoping spring is here to stay!

On My Mind

Has anyone else been suffering from winter blues? I’m not necessarily fed up with winter, but the charm and magic is definitely starting to wane. I’ve made gingerbread houses, I’ve been ice skating, had an adorable snowball fight with my husband and have consumed enough hot chocolate to rival Buddy (yes, the elf). Although there are still several ski days, adorably layered outfits and snowshoeing to do, I’m always open to some pre-spring online browsing. These are my favorites from this week thanks to their soft, cheerful colors. Anyone else care to take a warm weather trip? I’m totally there.

Disney Day: Part 1

Jacket || Dress || Shoes || Gold ring
Ahh, Disneyland. The most fun (and happiest place) on earth! We were so grateful to join my husband’s family for a fun-filled California vacation, which included time at the two glorious parks. There were churros, popcorn, more churros and very warm temperatures. We enjoyed running and practically leaping (yep, we are that family) from ride to ride picking up the occassional FastPasses along the way. I’ve never been to the parks with kids, so it was an entirely new experiences seeing little faces light up at everything! It made everything that much more fun. 
Can we discuss the Disney decor? We timed our visit perfectly – it was my favorite time! The flower beds replaced with poinsettias and the two-story tree at the entrance to Main Street are my favorite features. I love seeing everything decked out in Christmas finery. It makes it a bit more magical (if that’s even possible)!

Navy & Pearls

Bag: Modalu

Welcome back from the holiday! I hope you had a delightful day filled with family, fireworks and fun. Our day was incredibly relaxing even though it felt like we were melting most of the day. It has been so hot in Utah this week! We began the day with a family breakfast, followed by a mid-afternoon viewing of Independence Day (you can’t go wrong with Jeff Goldblum) and stellar BBQ. The rest of the night we attempted to distract Miss B from all the bangs and pops. This day means so much and I’m extremely grateful I was able to enjoy the day with my family.
This laid back dress was the perfect choice for the day. Completely effortless, but adaptable with some heels. It was also the perfect day for the inaugural use of my anniversary present! As always, Modalu has created a convenient, stylish bag. There are several colors on sale right now by the way! Isn’t that great news? Check out the Modalu site!